IET Wireless Sensor Systems 是不是不是SCI收录?
IET Wireless Sensor Systems 是不是不是SCI收录?。投了一篇IET Wireless Sensor Systems,怎么发觉这个期刊不是SCI收录的,求确认。
3486 IET CIRC DEVICE SYST1751-858X181 0.547 0.719 0.373 59 3.4 0.00129 0.317
3487 IET COMMUN1751-8628642 0.829 0.855 0.088 296 2.8 0.00353 0.269
3488 IET COMPUT DIGIT TEC1751-8601119 0.446 0.537 0.043 46 3.5 0.0009 0.228
3489 IET COMPUT VIS1751-963254 0.636 0.697 0.025 40 0.00029 0.211
3490 IET CONTROL THEORY A1751-8644969 0.99 1.321 0.062 211 3.3 0.00603 0.454
3491 IET ELECTR POWER APP1751-8660442 1.173 1.625 0.149 74 3.9 0.0028 0.578
3492 IET GENER TRANSM DIS1751-8687595 1.197 1.395 0.094 139 3.2 0.00444 0.582
3493 IET IMAGE PROCESS1751-965991 0.639 0.645 0.028 71 0.00062 0.246
3494 IET INFORM SECUR1751-870935 0.143 0.395 0 26 0.0003 0.192
3495 IET INTELL TRANSP SY1751-956X92 0.512 0.636 0.029 34 0.00055 0.21
3496 IET MICROW ANTENNA P1751-8725596 0.681 0.789 0.073 248 3 0.00554 0.412
3497 IET NANOBIOTECHNOL1751-8741119 1.833 2.3 0.13 23 3.6 0.00051 0.559
3498 IET OPTOELECTRON1751-8768117 1.029 0.72 0.093 43 2.7 0.00064 0.223
3499 IET POWER ELECTRON1755-4535345 1.621 1.703 0.009 117 2.5 0.00155 0.418
3500 IET RADAR SONAR NAV1751-8784265 0.878 1.051 0.134 112 3 0.00151 0.35
3501IET RENEW POWER GEN 1752-1416 287 1.742 2.007 2.8 0.00239 0.929
3502 IET SCI MEAS TECHNOL1751-8822113 0.603 0.604 0.065 31 3.3 0.00087 0.261
3503 IET SIGNAL PROCESS1751-9675146 0.561 0.802 0.036 83 3.1 0.00106 0.324
3504 IET SOFTW1751-880676 0.329 0.554 0 46 0.0006 0.252
3505 IET SYST BIOL1751-8849297 1.349 1.776 0.576 33 3.2 0.00196 0.684
楼上说了~~不是 SCI journal, 但是是 EI journal~
我在 EI 库里有找到~
也在源刊及会议目录公布) 里的 excel 有查到~是 EI 源刊~
IET Biometrics
IET Circuits, Devices and Systems
IET Communications
IET Computer Vision
IET Computers and Digital Techniques
IET Control Theory and Applications
IET Electric Power Applications
IET Electrical Systems in Transportation
IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution
IET Image Processing
IET Information Security
IET Intelligent Transport Systems
IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation
IET Nanobiotechnology
IET Optoelectronics
IET Power Electronics
IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation
IET Renewable Power Generation
IET Science, Measurement and Technology
IET Signal Processing
IET Software
IET Synthetic Biology
IET Systems Biology
IET Wireless Sensor Systems
其中20种也属于SCI检索,IET Wireless Sensor Systems是2011年创办的新刊物,目前尚未能SCI检索,未来被检索可能很大
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