

  编辑回信,共与各位前辈讨论。第一篇sci 终于有回信了,

Reviewer: 1

Comments to the Author(修改后接受)
See attached file.

Reviewer: 2

Comments to the Author
There are several asepcts that need to be improved:

- the title is inadequate: If it is a review of non-surgical therapeutic strategies some alternative treatments are missing: bisphosphonates, iloprost (prostaglandin-analogon (J?ger et al)), hyperbar oxygen treatment, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, non-load weight bearing, Pulsed electromagnetic fields stimulation (Ding et al. ...)
- THus, the result of literature research of these treatments need to be added; or at least some part of them as long as the title will be changed to e.g. pharmaceutical strategies
- THe structure of the manuscript need to be improved: It should be organised in INtroduction, MM, Results, Discussion. After MM there is no further structure by heading.
- The language needs to be improved. There are many very long sentences. In addition spelling should be checked.
- The literature research is incomplete. E.g. Floerkemeier et al. (bone turnover markers failed to predict ....). The literature research needs to be completed.

- after introduction of the abbreviation SONFH it should be used througout the manuscript
- page 1; first paragraph of introduction: “what′s“ is not written english
- please add literature for the statement of the second paragraph of the introduction (multifactorial biomarkers)
- protein-to protein (PPI) – here a word is missing
- page 1: 3rd paragraph of introduction: Various non-surgical (of is too much).
- Check spaces after commata and before brackets.
- Literature should be mentioned at the end of the sentence unless the author′s name is mentioned.

Reviewer: 3

Comments to the Author
1. There are not more outstanding insights of this review than that of related reviews.
2. The title of this review is too big. A profound review for biomarkers related to SONFH pathogenesis and non-surgical therapeutic strategies will be difficult.


Robot (super robot)








   CEJ小修 审稿意见看不懂 已经有8人回复 该怎么处理被拒 已经有5人回复 Bioresource Technology编辑意见求助 已经有14人回复 这种情况重投还有希望吗? 已经有9人回复 请诸位的高手帮忙鉴定一下这封编辑回信是什么意思,有修改后接受的意思吗 已经有13人回复 SCI过程总结 已经有123人回复 这是不是被拒稿了,好有希望嘛? 已经有21人回复 申请博后回信,情况有点小复杂,这该怎么回呢? 已经有13人回复 给导师的第一封信 已经有4人回复 第一次投sci,大家帮我看看这样的初审意见有希望吗 已经有22人回复 关于博导选择,各位给指点指点 已经有24人回复 收到 Revise Before Review 已经有6人回复 SCI审稿意见求助,各位帮忙看看,是啥意思?该怎么修改?急! 已经有21人回复 怎么回复reviewer comments 已经有16人回复 Information sciences的审稿流程请教 已经有5人回复 第一次投国内核心期刊,被退稿。。。悲催。。 已经有85人回复 BT第一次收到编辑回信,不知道是否有希望?我还用回信吗? 已经有18人回复 导师回信,帮忙看看什么意思? 已经有8人回复 三个导师这样回信的 ,我不知道有戏没啊,哪个把握大 已经有167人回复 论文被拒后根据审稿人的意见修改后重新投该期刊的问题 已经有16人回复 给国外作者写信 已经有8人回复 麻烦虫友们帮忙看看这个简单的henry反应吧! 已经有9人回复 请教牛人,面对龟速的编辑部,此时我该怎么办。。。。 已经有48人回复 文章投Chem. Eng. Sci.终审意见如下,麻烦大家帮助看看,是否必要反驳或重投 已经有17人回复 【讨论】拿到offer,但是想考虑几天,怎么回信呢? 已经有25人回复 【原创】一个教授回信了,请大家帮我看一下是什么意思,谢谢! 已经有61人回复 非常全的SCI论文写法攻略 已经有94人回复 求教Journal Manager的回信内容 已经有6人回复 点击这里搜索更多相关资源 科研从开始,人人为我,我为人人

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