

细胞数用血球计数板计数。将2.5 mL的样品和1mL的次亚甲基蓝加到100mL的容量瓶中,定容后静置2分钟。然后用计数板在显微镜下计数细胞。出芽率以出芽的细胞与总细胞比值表示,死亡率以染色的细胞与总细胞比值表示。
Cell number was estimated by blood counting chamber. 2.5 mL sample was added into100 mL volumetric flask with 1 mL methylene blue and waited for 2 min after 100 mL. Then cells including living and dead cells were counted by microscope with blood counting chamber. The budding rate was calculated as a ratio of budding cells to total cells. And death rate was calculated as a ratio of dead cells to total cells.
the Cell number was estimated by blood counting chamber. 2.5 mL sample was added into a 100 mL volumetric flask with 1 mL methylene blue. The solution was waited for 2 min after 100 mL. Then cells including living and dead cells were counted by microscope with blood counting chamber. The budding rate was calculated as a ratio of budding cells to total cells. And the death rate was calculated as a ratio of dead cells to total cells.
Cell numbers were quantitated by blood counting chamber. Two and a half milliliters(ml)of samples and 1 ml of methylene blue were added to a 100 milliliter volumetric flask and the total volume was made up to 100 ml. After 2 minutes, cell numbers were counted by blood counting chamber under a microscope. The budding rates were calculated as a ratio of budding cells to total cells and the death rates as a ratio of dead cells to total cells.

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