

  回信了,出现了很多错误,我是不是悲剧了。The reviewers have commented on your above paper. They indicated that it is not acceptable for publication in its present form.

However, if you feel that you can suitably address the reviewers comments (included below), I invite you to revise and resubmit your manuscript.

Please carefully address the issues raised in the comments.

If you are submitting a revised manuscript, please also:

a) outline each change made (point by point) as raised in the reviewer comments


b) provide a suitable rebuttal to each reviewer comment not addressed

Reviewer #1: Please see attachment for comments.

Reviewer #2: It is recommended that the document be submitted for proofreading as there are plenty of grammatical as well as typographical errors. (e.g. Fig.1 vs. Figure 2; EC vs. E.C.; repetition of words occurs; spaces incorrect before comma; careless spelling mistakes e.g. galavnealed, softening, etc.).Sentences are poorly constructed.(e.g. "the", "a", "an" - often left out of sentences).
Some sentence structures are difficult to understand.The wording does not reflect the meaning of the sentence i.e. "..manufactured safe accessory such as A, B and C pallor." What does this mean?Safety critical design sections such as A, B and C pillar in automotive design?Too many ideas are covered in one sentence.
Heading of Table 1 can be shortened.Remove "used in this investigation".

Reviewer #1: Please see attachment for comments.

Reviewer #2: It is recommended that the document be submitted for proofreading as there are plenty of grammatical as well as typographical errors. (e.g. Fig.1 vs. Figure 2; EC vs. E.C.; repetition of words occurs; spaces incorrect before comma; careless spelling mistakes e.g. galavnealed, softening, etc.).Sentences are poorly constructed.(e.g. "the", "a", "an" - often left out of sentences).
Some sentence structures are difficult to understand.The wording does not reflect the meaning of the sentence i.e. "..manufactured safe accessory such as A, B and C pallor." What does this mean?Safety critical design sections such as A, B and C pillar in automotive design?Too many ideas are covered in one sentence.
Heading of Table 1 can be shortened.Remove "used in this investigation".





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