文章转投cover letter模板
文章转投cover letter模板。"If you would like to take the opportunity to transfer your manuscript, please quote the above reference number, and also include a detailed summary of any new work that has been added and a point by point list of the changes made in response to the referees’ comments" 文章拒稿后编辑回了这么一段话。我现在打算转投这个,谁知道cover letter应该怎么写吗?把新的工作和审稿人的回答全部在cover letter 里写吗还是再写一个responseletter
写在cover letter里,因为不一定有上传responseletter的地方
那在cover letter 里我还用写文章的创新性吗?就像我一开始投原来那个一样,还是只需要写detailed summary of any new work that has been added and a point by point list of the changes made in response to the referees’ comments
都要写,前面一部分跟原来的cover letter一样,然后说是从别的转过来的,下面写你的修改说明和对审稿意见的回应。
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