帮忙看一条审稿意见,谢谢了!。Specific comments:
In the introduction authors have not completely revised the state of the art of the issue of their work. There are missing works on meat products showing a biphasic evolution of TBARS during meat storage or cooking. The initial increasing phase corresponding to the accumulation of aldehydes essentially malondialdehyde and hydroxyl-nonenal which have been described to be the resultant end products of the polyunsaturated fatty acid oxidation in meat. This initial phase is followed by a decrease in the TBA value indicating whether an interaction of these aldehydes with proteins which prevent their reaction with TBA, or a decomposition of aldehydes in volatile compounds. The non- linearity of the process shows that the TBA assay, which remains the most common method used to measure lipid oxidation in food products, is not appropriate to quantify oxidation in high oxidative conditions. This problem with TBARS measurement must be discussed by the authors.
Materials and methods: line 57: Composition of pork fat must be given
1. This problem with TBARS measurement 到底是什么问题呢?一直没有明白。
2. line 57中已经提供了猪肉的瘦肥比例,Composition of pork fat指的是什么呢?
Robot (super robot)
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