几个比较关注的期刊的2015年影响因子预测。通过Web of Science 发表论文数和引用数计算了一下本人关注的一些期刊今年的影响因子,希望有用,祝大家牛paper多多!
EES 逆天了,每年涨5左右的影响因子!!!!
Nature 34.4
Science 29.35
Chemical Reviews 36.16
Chemical society reviews 33.30
Energy environmental science 25.41
advanced materials 18.90
advanced functional materials 11.22
green chemistry 8.33
JACS 12.94
angewandte chemie international edition 11.14
chemical communication 6.36
ChemSusChem 6.97
acs sustainable chemistry engineering 4.96
industrial engineering chemistry research 2.47
RSC advance 3.24
Scientific reports 4.76
Biotechnology for biofuels 5.69
Bioresource Technology 4.79
biotechnology advances 9.792
biotechnology and bioengineering 3.95
applied and environmental microbiology 3.776
applied energy 5.52
metabolic engineering 8.108
renewable sustainable energy reviews 6.585
biofuels bioproducts biorefining-biofpr 4.089
RSC advance 3.24
rsc advances计算是不是不太准确
naturescience 都掉了啊 后者居然要跌破30了
求楼主帮忙算一下ACS Catalysis的最新的影响因子,万分感谢
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