审稿意见中的 second review


  审稿意见中的 second review。今年10月份向专业领域的一个顶会投了一篇文章,该会议要经过一审二审:
“We have a two-stage decision process. In the first stage we reject those papers for which we have already formed a clear opinion, indicating that the submission will not make it eventually and where we think that a rebuttal will not change this decision. ”

我们的文章进入到二审阶段并收到4份审稿意见,其中两份审稿意见明确表示“ I recommend acceptance of the paper.”再一份审稿意见说“I am under the impression the submission could do with being revised before publication.”现在我疑惑的是最后一份审稿意见,这份意见最开头给出的是“I suggest to reject this paper since it lacks novel ideas and also since there exists a fatal error in the complexity analysis. I will explain more as follows.”但是后面紧接着又给了一份 second review,second review 中表示“ Id recommend acceptance to this conference”。

求问,有收到过类似意见的虫友吗?各位看到这份审稿意见是怎么理解的呢?(紧接着我们会根据审稿意见提供一份 rebuttal)

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