语言编辑回复意见:语言不够简明,求大师指点。The English is not clear and concise. E.g., "In resent years, a number of materials have been applied in nitrite detection, such as nano-copper/carbon nanotubes/chitosan film [17], indium tin oxide electrode modified with Pd nanoparticles [18], and other metallic oxides", "For instance, Cao et al. prepared hollow Fe 2 O 3 by wet chemical route by using FeCl 3 *6H 2 O, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and NH 3 *H 2 O in N,N-dimethylformamide solution [24], and found that unique electrochemical nitrite sensing performance", "Being indeed quite successful in achieving high activity toward nitrite sensing, however, the preparation of these metallic oxides is usually more complicated with multi-step operation", "In this work, NP-Fe 2 O 3 /CoO composites were straightforwardly fabricated by dealloying FeCoAl ternary alloy under free corrosion conditions at room temperature. NP-Fe 2 O 3 /CoO composites behave high sensing activity toward H 2 O 2 in previous report [29], thus it is
interesting to investigate more electrocatalytic sensing activity of these composites", "All the chemicals were of analytical reagents grade without further purification", "A conventional three-electrode cell was used with Pt foil as a counter electrode mercury sulfate electrode as the reference electrode and 3-mm-diameter glassy carbon electrode as work electrode", "Due to the more reactive property, Al can be easily selectively leached out in mild alkaline solution without the corrosion of Fe and Co, thus, NaOH solution was selected as the electrolyte to selectively dissolve Al atoms" and "It can be observed that the anodic peak currents are linear relative to the scan rate in a range from 20 to 140 mV s-1and the corresponding linear equations for anodic peak currents is I (渙) = 2.05 + 0.126 <upsilon> with a linear correlation coefficient of 0.998". Please have the manuscript critically edited by a colleague in your field who is a skilled writer in English.
Robot (super robot)
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