Physical Review期刊定位与评述
Physical Review期刊定位与评述。APS除了传统的Physical Review Letters (PRL), Physical Review A-E期刊外,最近几年陆续推出了Physical Review X (PRX), Physical Review Applied (PRApplied) 和Physical Review Fluids (PRFluids), 今年又将推出Physical Review Materials(PRMaterials)。根据定位和scope,我将他们分为三档:
(1)第一档 PRX
"Physical Review X (PRX):online-only, fully open access, peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish, as timely as possible, exceptional original research papers from all areas of pure, applied, and interdisciplinary physics. "
PRX的定位是高于PRL的,且scope比PRL更广,涵盖基础物理、应用物理和交叉物理,每年文章量200篇左右,是开源期刊且文章不限篇幅,今年IF会超过12,看来APS是想把PRX打造成为能与nature physics竞争的旗舰刊物;
(2)第二档 PRL和PRApplied
"Physical Review Letters (PRL): the premier APS journal for current research, providing rapid publication of short reports of important fundamental research in all fields of physics. PRL provides its diverse readership with weekly coverage of major advances in physics and cross-disciplinary developments." "Physical Review Applied (PRApplied): an online-only journal dedicated to publishing the highest quality research across all aspects of experimental and theoretical applications of physics, including their interactions with other sciences, engineering, and industry"
(3)第三档 PRA/B/C/D/E/Fluids/Materials
另外,2016年中科院JCR分区将PRX, PRL, PRApplied, PRD分为一区,PRA, PRB, PRC分为二区,PRE分为三区。
[ Last edited by mawenlong on 2017-2-28 at 11:26 ]
再说了,任何一个知名出版社的旗舰期刊不可能发文量只有 a few hundreds刊载量的,比如nature,science, jacs.
ACS的flagship就是JACS,而不是ACS central science,虽然后者IF肯定会远超前者: "The Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), founded in 1879, is the flagship journal of the American Chemical Society and ... "。因此PRL还会是APS的旗舰,即使推出了PRX。
我认为PRL, PRX, Reviews of Modern Physics才是APS的招牌期刊。看看图中官网对期刊的介绍就知道了,这三个可是重点提名的。
1, PRX的准入门槛更高,但每年质量最好的工作(引用量最高的前几名)却是发表在PRL上的。事实上,PRL上每年最好的那前十篇文章都是可以碾压Nature physics上前十的工作的。这些大家都是可以用web of science检索验证的。
2,SCOPE方面,PRX倾向于接收交叉领域和一些新兴领域的工作,这有利于提高IF。PRL包含full arc of physics,所以有些工作解决的是一些非常冷门的或古老的物理问题,因此IF会在PRX之下。
PRL的影响力毋庸置疑,现在也确实是APS的旗舰期刊,但如果PRX的IF持续走高,最好的工作会应该会慢慢转移到PRX上。IF虽然不是唯一标准,但却是衡量成功的重要标准,或许正是受到了nature physics和nature communications等期刊高IF的冲击,APS才意识到了PRL的潜在危机,削减PRL的文章量,并推出开源期刊PRX与之抗衡。PRX刚推出的时候,我们以为它只是PRA或PRB的精选版,远不能与PRL相比,但是这几年确迅速成为,其中高IF是重要原因。而PRApplied也在走与PRX类似的线,在创刊初期通过较少文章量来达到高IF, 虽然现在还不能PRL的影响力相比,但是现在的文章质量已经很高,预测未来会成为与PRL互补的期刊。
“Physical Review Applied publishes high-quality papers that bridge the gap between engineering and physics, between industry and academia, and between current and future technologies.The Editors of Physical Review Applied encourage the submission of research that significantly advances the field of applied physics. Specifically, papers should:
(i) Be forward thinking and provide a clear vision for future directions in applied physics, either in physical understanding or in technology.
(ii) Present a qualitative, and not merely a quantitative or incremental, advance over prior work.
(iii) Interest a large group of physicists and those using physics to make progress in other fields.”
PRApplied的文章分为Letters,Rearch articles和Review三种,定位分别如下:
“Letters are expected to be of the quality of a paper published in Physical Review Letters.
Research Articles must, at a minimum, be at the level of a good article in other Physical Review journals.
For Review Articles, we seek articles that will identify and elaborate on important
developing directions in applied physics.”
mawenlong君可以看一下prb的Rapid Communications的定位,字面上我感觉Rapid Communications和PRApp的Letters定位是一样的,之前prb也说Rapid Communications要和PRL的质量差不多。这个没多少人信。过了几年prb这个说法也就不提了。社的说法是一套,实际做法可能又是另外一套。
PRB的rapid communications和editors suggestion的文章质量是很高的,其实我觉得很多都不比PRL和PRX差,只是可能由于审稿原因没有在PRL和PRX上发表,影响力可以参照以下PRB编辑的总结:
而PRAppl的定位是Letters与PRL一样,而articles则至少是PR系列的好文章,这显然是高于PRB的,还加入了Review文章,这与nature子刊的文章类型相似。PRAppl的编辑原来都是PRB rapid communications的编辑,这表明PRAppl的文章至少也要是PRB rapid commun级别的文章才行。PRAppl文章量少,筛选应该非常严格,且感觉的文章质量确实很高。我看好PRAppl的前景,大家有相关领域文章还是尽早,要不以后可能就不好中了啊
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