Reject and Resubmit,大家有没有遇到这种情况?
anal bioanal chem 的审稿意见终于出来了,可怎么也高兴不起来,Reject and Resubmit,大家有没有遇到这种情况?
The article is “copy-paste” version of the reference 31. Some the paragraphs are even identical like the one on the pH, only the molecule used for the study is different.
The experimental section is very poor, figure legends and captions are confused and do not contain all the necessary information and references are not always properly formatted (in ref 1 and 28 first names instead of last names are used). Altogether, this lack of precisions renders the manuscript hard to follow.
The Editor would like to encourage you to prepare a completely new version of your manuscript and to resubmit this to the Journal.
1) Editor Comments:
The authors are requested to rewrite the contribution as a Note. They must also explain the real novelty compared to the previous similar paper already published, as mentioned by referee A.
2) Editorial Office Comments: As one of the referees mentioned, copy paste from previous own or other publications is not permissible. Please re-write these sections.
我自己没遇到过,但听过一个报告,一个小牛人遇到过,讲这种情况实际是某个外审专家对你论文有意见,但编辑觉得专家意见并不合适,但又不得不给你拒掉,所以让你重投,再送给别的专家来审稿,跟楼上两位说的情况不一样,不会送给原来的专家,否则就不必拒掉重投 ,直接让你修改就是。
Reviewer: 1
Comments to the Author
The authors have made major revisions in the manuscript draft. I am satisfied with the answer to my suggestions, and I recommend the revised manuscript to be accepted directly.
Reviewer: 2
Comments to the Author
the author responsed all the comments properly and the manuscript can be accepted at present form.
Reviewer: 1
Comments to the Author
The authors have made major revisions in the manuscript draft. I am satisfied with the answer to my suggestions, and I recommend the revised manuscript to be accepted directly.
Reviewer: 2
Comments to the Author
the author responsed all the comments properly and the manuscript can be accepted at present form.
blessing, blessing, blessing ! ~~~
我的经历告诉我肯定会(四次经历)返回原审稿人再次审稿,再次提交是要附上详细的Response to comments,然后他们会根据你的修改再次做出决定,第二轮因期刊和审稿人而定,有的期刊但重投的接受概率大于80%(2次经历),有的很苛刻达不到审稿人要求就会被(2次经历),不管怎样仔细修改,机会还是比较大>50%,祝好运!
介于MAJOR REVISION和REJECTION之间。返回后,有录用的,也有悲剧的。
我也是这种情况忐忑 感觉专家的已经还可以但是付主编 直接了 格式方面和表达方面有很多下错误
我的返回去了,正under review中,好好修改吧,祝你好运!
同问, 楼主,最后文章怎么样了?
I regret to inform you that the reviewers have raised serious concerns, and therefore your paper cannot be accepted for publication in *****. However since the reviewers do find some merit in the paper, I would be willing to reconsider if you wish to undertake major revisions and re-submit, addressing the referees concerns.
您好,请问回复审稿意见是放在cover letter里吗还是上独文件呢,谢谢
简单回复 159413916673楼 2013-11-07 19:46 回复 XDxiaohu4楼 2013-11-07 20:10 回复 chenyh7189楼 2013-11-07 20:52 回复 westlife91114楼 2013-11-07 21:55 回复 1 201100022619楼 2013-11-08 11:57 回复
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