In general, EM wave absorption properties are dependent on not only absorption properties but also impedance matching. The PANI/NZFO hybrid nanorods display strong magnetic loss and significant dielectric loss, and will be candidates for broadband and highly efficient microwave absorbing materials. To reveal the microwave absorption properties of the as-synthesized PANI/NZFO hybrid nanorod, the reflection loss (RL) values of all samples are calculated according to the transmission line theory as follows:
Where Zin is the input impedance of the absorber, Z0 is the intrinsic impedance of free space. μr and εr are the relative complex permeability and permittivity of the absorber medium, is the frequency of EM wave, d is the coating thickness, c is the velocity of light.
As we know, the thickness of absorbent is one of the important parameters that affects width and intensity of microwave absorbance bands. In order to find the matching thickness of samples, we further calculated the RL value of three samples with different thicknesses of 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 mm, respectively. From Fig. 6a-c, it can be found that all samples exhibit good microwave absorption properties at a thickness of 2.0 mm. The RL values of bare NZFO are exceeding -10 dB in the whole band of 7 –11 GHz at the thickness of 2.0 mm (Fig. 9a). In the case of PANI/NZFO-1, the RL value in the frequency range from 2 to12 GHz almost exceeds 10 dB at the thickness of 2.0 mm, and the maximum RL reaches -27.8 dB (Fig. 9b). This value is much larger than that of pure NZFO (-11.8 dB) and reported materials (Ting, Yu et al. 2011). When the thickness of PANI/NZFO-1 increases to 3.0 mm, the absorption band moves to low frequency and it also covers the whole C-band (4.0–8.0 GHz), which is critically important for both commercial and military defensive purposes. However, it is noticeable that there are two microwave absorption bands over the whole frequency range for PANI/NZFO-2, in Fig. 9c, as the thickness of the absorbent increases from 2.0 to 5.0 mm. The maximum RL value of PANI/ NZFO-2 at around 5.9 GHz decreases and another new absorption band appears at 12.5 GHz. The influencing factors on the absorbing properties of the 1D PANI/NZFO hybrid nanostructure may include various defects in PANI/NZFO hybrid nanorods and dangling bonds on the interface of PANI and NZFO nanoparticles, which may be mainly due to the surface etch of the ferrite nanoparticals accompanied by the formation of numerous PANI chains. The dielectric polarizations arising from the defects in the PANI matrix, the interfaces and the grain boundaries between the ferrite and PANI matrix thus result in the enhancement of microwave absorption (Zhu, Bai et al. 2011). All these results suggest that the utilization of PANI/NZFO nanocomposites with rod shape, hybrid, and magnetism can be effective in microwave absorption enhancement (Liu, Che et al. 2012).
To study the relationship between the microwaves absorbing properties and the content of NZFO, the maximum RL values of the three samples are compared (Fig. 9d). The maximum RL value of pure NZFO is 11.8 dB in all the frequencies (curve 1). When NZFO nanoparticles are embedded in the PANI max with content 59%, the RL value of these NZFO/PANI-1 nanorods shows a dramatic increase (curve 2). The maximum RL value is –27.8 dB at 6.2GHz, and the absorption bandwidth with reflection loss below −10 dB is up to 8 GHz. With the NZFO contents decrease to 29 %, the maximum RL value of NZFO/PANI-2 dramatically decreased to 14.1dB (curve 3). The influence factors on the absorbing properties of the PANI/NZFO hybrid nanostructure also include different ratios of PANI/NiZn-ferrite that will lead to various intrinsic frequencies and induce different microwave absorption bandwidths for PANI/NZFO-2, PANI/NZFO-1 and the pure NZFO.
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