投了一篇science of the total environmt 悲剧,是否还可再投


  投了一篇science of the total environment 悲剧,是否还可再投。11月份投了一篇science of the total environment,关于傍河地下水PPCPs污染特征分析和源解析的,两位审稿人提了三页纸的修改意见,最后副主编拒稿了,the reviewer(s) have some major concerns about the paper. Publishing in STOTEN is becoming increasingly competitive and while in some cases the referees comments are not completely negative, there is limited space in the journal. With this in view, we have to prioritize papers that we publish and some good quality articles sometimes cannot be accommodated. Unfortunately, we can no longer consider the paper for publication in STOTEN. I hope that the enclosed comments will assist you in revising it for possible publication elsewhere.非常希望能发表在该期刊上,可是深深背打击了,求各位大神指教

这个评论是套话吧,我今天也悲剧了,这段话一模一样,不过后面还加了句in spite of the fact that the review did not go in your favor this time , we hope that you will continue to submit to STOTEN.请问这样重投接受几率大吗?两个审稿人,第一个非常仔细,提了很多细节,而且很纠结在一个对比实验上,连着提了两三次,第二个审稿人只是修改一点细节,最后编辑直接拒了,希望看到回复


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