期刊回复如下,我该如何进行下一步工作。Dear Dr Chen,
I am delighted to inform you that your manuscript, "", is now accepted for publication in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. Within the next few days the corresponding author will receive an email from Wiley’s Author Services system which will ask them to log in and will present them with the appropriate license for completion. Your article cannot be published until the publisher has received the appropriate signed license agreement.
The article will be published online within the next few days as an Accepted Article. This will be an unedited version but will be fully citable and will constitute the paper’s official publication date.
Once the paper has been copy-edited and typeset you shall receive the proofs. Please check the proof carefully and return any corrections. After any amendments have been made, the Accepted Article will be taken down, and the final version will be published in Early View, before being assigned to an issue.
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Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Dr M.Pilar Buera
Associate Editor
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
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6楼2017-02-06 22:43:59
9楼2017-02-06 23:21:16
open online咋这么贵?
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