求助前辈,文章Accept, 但是没有交稿附件或者链接


  求助前辈,文章Accept, 但是没有交稿附件或者链接。我收到了如下的邮件内容,内容中也提到了交稿的事情,但是并没有给出附件或者链接,是编辑部忘记给了还是后续还会给我通知呢?

Dear ,

I am pleased to inform you that your article has now been accepted for publication in .

Please be sure to make all necessary editing on the galley proofs you receive. The online publication of your manuscript will be a permanent, inalterable record. No further revisions can be made after your manuscript is published online except by errata sheet.?

On behalf of all the staff of , congratulations and thank you for your contribution.?

Please keep us in mind for any future work that you consider to be appropriate for our readers.



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