Journal of Nanomaterials 纳米材料专刊接受


  Journal of Nanomaterials 纳米材料专刊接受。各位虫友,我应邀担任Journal of Nanomaterials 期刊(IF=1.547)“Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications”专刊的客座主编,欢迎大家不吝赐稿!

Call-for-Paper for “Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications”

Environmental pollution and energy shortage are the two major global challenges faced by human beings. The solution to the major challenges may lie in something small at nanoscale. In the past two decades, the evolution of nanotechnology represents an ever improving process in design, discovery, creation and novel utilization of artificial nanoscale materials. To meet the grand challenge in environmental sustainability, these nanomaterials in various hierarchical fashions are stimulating various important practical applications in environmental sector. The rapid development in materials and catalysis science has led to significant advances in understanding the controlled synthesis and structure-activity relationship of the nanomaterials. The design, synthesis and modification of novel nanomaterials allow for enhanced performance for environmental related applications.
The recent rapid advances in the area of nanomaterials for environmental applications inspired us to edit this special issue of Journal of Nanomaterials. We cordially invite investigators to contribute original research articles as well as review articles that will stimulate the further research activities in this area and improve our understanding of the key scientific and technological problems in environmental applications of nanomaterials. We are particularly interested in articles describing the new strategies for synthesis, assembly and modification of advanced nanomaterials with novel morphology, porous structure and exposed active sites which greatly benefit their performance in environmental remediation, environmental catalysis, as well as new insights on the mechanisms of catalysis as applied to environmental problems. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Nanomaterials with novel morphology, porous structure and exposed active sites
Roles in degradation of pollutants, treatment of waste water and waste gas, disinfection, and wastes re-utilization
Identification of catalytic/reaction mechanisms over nanostructured catalysts
Roles of composition, morphology, and structure of nanomaterials
Photocatalysis and environmental chemistry
Solar assisted photocatalytic splitting of water and removal of pollutants
Theoretical calculation, simulation, and modeling of nanomaterials
CO2 capture, storage and conversion

Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal’s Author Guidelines, which are located at

Manuscript Due Friday, 7 February 2014
First Round of Reviews Friday, 2 May 2014
Publication Date Friday, 27 June 2014

Lead Guest Editor

Guest Editors
Ranjit T. Koodali, Department of Chemistry, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota, USA;

2楼2013-08-02 18:51:41


7楼2013-08-03 20:04:55



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